Benin in West Africa is probably most famous for being the home of the Vodun or Vodou (more commonly known in the West as Voodoo) religion, of which Haitian Voodoo is derived. Voodoo is one of the most complex, and therefore misunderstood religions in the world and is a far cry from the demonized version of Voodoo you see in the movies, however, there is some truth in the myth. Voodoo is a life force, culture and way of life in sync with the natural world, something few people in the Western world can truly understand. Yes, there is ‘bad’ voodoo (bad juju) and yes animals are sacrificed on a regular basis, but the majority of voodoo practices are used for good purposes. Unusual things happen in Benin and for many of the Beninese people, magic is as real as you or I. As a British person, I personally found Benin to be fascinating, weird, and wonderful. So if you’re looking for a truly ‘different’ kind of cultural adventure, then Benin...